Kebaya, Indonesia Cultural Heritage

Indonesia has a cultural heritage that is priceless. With ethnic diversity that exists and each has its own customs, making Indonesia a diverse work culture. One of them, such as kebaya.

Sanur Beach Bali

Sanur Beach is a place of wayfaring famous tourist island of Bali. This place is located just east of Denpasar, the capital of Bali. Sanur located in the Municipality of Denpasar.

Sasando Rote

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Sangguana who lived in Rote Island. One day, he tended to savannah. Felt tired and asleep, he slept under a palmyra tree. That’s when the dream came.

Arts Debus From Banten

Debus is a martial art from Banten. This art was created in the 16th century, in the reign of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin (1532-1570). Debus, an art which demonstrates the remarkable human ability, immune to sharp weapons, fire resistant.

Hanging Stone and Origin of Parapat City

In one remote village on the outskirts of Lake Toba in North Sumatra, there lived a husband and wife with a beautiful daughter named Chrysanthemum.In addition to beautiful, Chrysanthemum is also very diligent in helping parents work in the fields.

Jumat, 26 April 2013

Bika Ambon Zulaikha

Bagi para pecinta kuliner Medan, tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi dengan Bika Ambon yang satu ini.

Yup, Bika Ambon Zulaikha merupakan salah satu kuliner yang paling fenomenal dan paling dicari di Medan beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Dengan kualitas rasa dan kelembutan bikanya menjadikan produk ini menjadi salah satu kuliner paling diburu di Kota Medan saat ini.

Bika Ambon Zulaikha didirikan oleh Hajjah Mariani. Nenek berusia 67 tahun ini memutuskan memberi nama usahanya dengan nama putrinya, Zulaikha. Kehadiran Bika Ambon Zulaikha seperti jadi angin segar bagi kalangan muslim,karena selama ini bika ambon dikuasai oleh kalangan Tionghoa. 

Zulaikha memulainya tahun 2003. Kehadirannya seakan-akan menggusur seluruh bika ambon yang selama ini ada. Bayangkan saja, ketika Bika Ambon Zulaikha memiliki pelanggan yang membeludak, yang untuk membeli satu kotak saja harus antri panjang, puluhan gerai bika ambon lainnya di Jl. Mojopahit Medan nyaris kosong.

Salah satu rahasia bika ambon yang enak adalah bika dengan serat yang sempurna di bagian dalam dan rasanya lembut dengan sensasi lemak di ujung lidah. Bahan utamanya terbuat dari tepung tapioka, santan, gula, telur, dan air nira.

Menurut Zulaikha, bika ambon memang terbuat dari air nira yang khusus diproduksi dari pulau Sumatra. “Yang digunakan murni air nira dan kini sudah ada sertifikat halal dari MUI,” ucapnya. Air niralah yang berperan membuat serat yang sempurna pada bika ambon. Air nira ini difermentasi hingga 10 jam, barulah proses pembuatan bika ambon berjalan sempurna.

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Historical Sites Ciung Vanara Karangkamulyan

The legend tells about Ciung Karangkamulyan sites related Vanara Kingdom Galuh. The story is peppered with many incredible stories of heroism, such as magic and power not possessed by ordinary people, but owned by Ciung Vanara.

Vanara Ciung story is the story of the Kingdom of Galuh (era before the founding of the kingdom of Majapahit and Pajajaran). Galuh royal leader was king Prabu Permana In Adimulya Sanghyang Notices Kusumah with two consort, the Goddess and the Goddess Pangrenyep Naganingrum. Approaching the arrival of death, the King into exile and the power delivered to Patih Bondan Sarati because the King has not had children from first empress (Goddess Naganingrum). Long story short, in the reign of King Bondan selfish, so on the authority of Lord Goddard Naganingrum awarded a son, namely Ciung Vanara which will become the official successor to the kingdom Galuh a fair and wise.

The area which covers approximately 25 hectares is storing various objects that allegedly contain the history of the Kingdom Galuh largely shaped stone. These stones are located are not contiguous but spread with a different shape. These stones are in a building whose structure is made of piles of stone that looks almost the same. The structure of this building has a door that resembles a room.

The stones that exist in the structure of this building has a name and save his own story, as well as in several other locations outside the stone structure. Each name is a gift from the people who are connected with the story or myth about the kingdom Galuh like; pangcalikan or a seat, a symbol of worship, place of birth, place of fighting cocks and Cikahuripan.

Karangkamulyan site is located in the cool temperate regions and has been equipped with a spacious parking area with large trees. After the main gate, the first site that will be passed is Pelinggih (Pangcalikan). Pelinggih is a terraced stone is white and rectangular, included in the group Yoni (place of worship) that is located upside down, used for the altar. Under Yoni there are some small stones as if as a buffer, giving the impression like a dolmen (tomb stone). Its location is in a wall structure of a width 17.5 x 5 meters.

Source : and

Queen Crater - Mount Tangkuban Perahu

One of the main objectives in natural attractions Tangkuban Mt is Crater Queen. Object which is about 30 km from this city can be reached easily through the plumbing-Lembang-Bandung (15 km) and the Lembang-Tangkuban Parahu (15 km). 

For two-wheeled vehicle users, there is an alternative path-Lembang Bandung that is through Dago and Pagerwangi which is about 5 km, translucent in La Oma Cafe and Market Lembang. Roads have been teraspal well, but there are some sharp turns, steep. Fun we will find new views of the city of Bandung from the heights. 

From Lembang, we will travel a distance of about 11 km to the Subang to reach the main gate attractions. To be able to enter a tourist area, per person will be charged Rp 12,500 and Rp 9,000 for cars, Rp 4,000 for motorcycles, and Rp 17,500 for the bus. After buying tickets we will cover the distance of 4 km to reach the main crater of Crater Queen. 

In the parking lot, we may find the inscription with relief as shown in the photos. About a story about what yes, whether the story about Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi mother? 

Photos here are the views of Ratu crater as seen from the parking lot and from the opposite side. Very beautiful is not it? Although it seems we can down the crater but was banned because of the emergence of toxic gas at any time that could jeopardize safety. 

Well if you were content to enjoy the beautiful nature fresh, distant mountains, we can go shopping by-the typical Tangkuban Parahu such as clothing, dolls, various crafts, snacks such as glutinous variety of fried and grilled, or sulfur traditional medicine for the itching and root wood dragon for rheumatic or diabetes.

photo source :

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Raja Ampat Archipelago

If Bali had kuta beach, North Sumatra had Lake Toba, NTB had Lombok Island, and Papua had Raja Ampat, which offers the charm of the beauty of nature with the marvels. Raja Ampat is famous for its underwater biota diverse with thousands of species of fish and beautiful coral reefs in the world.

Raja Ampat Islands is a series of four adjacent group of islands located in the western part of the Bird's Head of Papua Island. Administratively, it is under the cluster of Raja Ampat, West Papua Province. The islands are now a destination for divers who are interested in the beauty of the underwater scenery. The four islands that belong to the four named after it's largest island, which Waigeo Island, Misool Island, Salawati Island, and Batanta Island.

The origin of the name of Raja Ampat by local myth comes from a woman who found seven eggs. Four grains of which hatch into four princes who separated and each became king in Waigeo, Salawati, East Misool and West Misool. Meanwhile, three other eggs became a ghost, a woman, and a stone. In the course of history, the nobility inhabit Raja Ampat and implement a custom system Maluku. A king led each village. Since its establishment five Muslim sultanate in the Maluku, Raja Ampat becomes part of the Sultanate of Tidore. After Dutch defeat the Sultanate of Tidore, Raja Ampat Islands became part of the Dutch East Indies.

In addition to pamper divers, Raja Ampat is also a paradise for those who love photography. There are at least three locations frequented by tourists to get a view of the coral islands of Raja Ampat. The three sites are located Wayag in West Waigeo,  Kabui and Penemu Island. To get the scenery, travelers should at least be trekking to the top of the hill on the Penemu island approximately 1.5 hours.

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Cendrawasih (Birds of Paradise)

Cendrawasih is a family member Paradisaeidae of the order Passeriformes. They are found in eastern Indonesia, the islands of Torres Strait, Papua New Guinea, Australia and east. This bird is known for the male plumage of many species, especially the fur is very long and complex that grows from the beak, wings or head. Size of cendrawasih from cendrawasih king at 50 grams and 15 cm to cendrawasih Part-sickle Black at 110 cm and cendrawasih Crest Manukod-rolled at 430 grams.

The most famous of cendrawasih is a member of the genus Paradisaea, including its type species, large yellow bird of cendrawasih, Paradisaea Apoda.This species was described from specimens brought to Europe from trading expeditions. These specimens were prepared by native traders by removing the wings and legs can be used for decoration. It is not known by the explorers and led the belief that these birds never landed but remain in the air because of the feathers. This isorigin of the name of the bird of paradise ( ' bird paradise' bythe British ) and the name of the type Apoda which means 'no legs'.

Many species have elaborate mating ritual, mating system types Paradisaea are male birds gather to show their beauty in birds compete for females to mate. While other species such as the types Cicinnurus and Parotia have irregular mating dance. Males in sexually dimorphic species are polygamous. Many bird hybrid that is described as new species, and several species of doubtful validity. Number eggs somewhat less certain. In large type, perhaps almost always one egg. Small type can produce as much as 2-3 eggs