Minggu, 03 April 2011

Historical Sites Ciung Vanara Karangkamulyan

The legend tells about Ciung Karangkamulyan sites related Vanara Kingdom Galuh. The story is peppered with many incredible stories of heroism, such as magic and power not possessed by ordinary people, but owned by Ciung Vanara.

Vanara Ciung story is the story of the Kingdom of Galuh (era before the founding of the kingdom of Majapahit and Pajajaran). Galuh royal leader was king Prabu Permana In Adimulya Sanghyang Notices Kusumah with two consort, the Goddess and the Goddess Pangrenyep Naganingrum. Approaching the arrival of death, the King into exile and the power delivered to Patih Bondan Sarati because the King has not had children from first empress (Goddess Naganingrum). Long story short, in the reign of King Bondan selfish, so on the authority of Lord Goddard Naganingrum awarded a son, namely Ciung Vanara which will become the official successor to the kingdom Galuh a fair and wise.

The area which covers approximately 25 hectares is storing various objects that allegedly contain the history of the Kingdom Galuh largely shaped stone. These stones are located are not contiguous but spread with a different shape. These stones are in a building whose structure is made of piles of stone that looks almost the same. The structure of this building has a door that resembles a room.

The stones that exist in the structure of this building has a name and save his own story, as well as in several other locations outside the stone structure. Each name is a gift from the people who are connected with the story or myth about the kingdom Galuh like; pangcalikan or a seat, a symbol of worship, place of birth, place of fighting cocks and Cikahuripan.

Karangkamulyan site is located in the cool temperate regions and has been equipped with a spacious parking area with large trees. After the main gate, the first site that will be passed is Pelinggih (Pangcalikan). Pelinggih is a terraced stone is white and rectangular, included in the group Yoni (place of worship) that is located upside down, used for the altar. Under Yoni there are some small stones as if as a buffer, giving the impression like a dolmen (tomb stone). Its location is in a wall structure of a width 17.5 x 5 meters.

Source : id.wikipedia.org and picasaweb.google.com

5 komentar:

  1. Salam kenal ..., klo tidak keberatan silahkan datang dan follow blog aku di http://majapahit1478.blogspot.com
    Aku dah follow blog anda

  2. The history of Majapahit kingdom .......


  3. mantep....
    makasih Indonesia
    memang slalu dihati

  4. interesting overview Historical Sites Ciung Vanara Karangkamulyan
