Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Sumatran Orangutan

Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) is the rarest species of orangutan. Sumatran orangutans live and endemic to Sumatra, an island located in Indonesia. They are smaller than the orangutans of Borneo. Sumatran orangutans have about 4.6 feet tall and weighs 200 pounds. Females are smaller, with 3 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds. 

Compared Borneo Orangutan, Sumatran orangutan prefers feed mainly fruits and insects as well. The preferred fruit including fruit banyan and jackfruit. They also eat bird eggs and small vertebrates. Sumatran Orangutan shorter in the feed at the stem of a tree. 

Wild Sumatran orangutans in the swamp Suaq Balimbing observed using tools. A tree branch broke orangutans whose length is about one foot, pushing aside the branches and sharpen edges. Then he uses it to poke holes trunk tree to look for termites. They also use sticks to banging on the walls of the hive. Also, orangutans also use tools to eat fruit. When Neesia tree ripe fruit, fruit is hard, ridged skin softened until it fell open. Inside is the preferred seed of the orangutan, but their hair covered with glass fiber-like illness when ingested. Orangutan Neesia eaters will select five inch rod, skinned and then remove the feathers with it. When the fruit is clean, the monkey will eat the seeds using a rod, or fingers. Although similar swamp in Kalimantan, Borneo orangutans wild has not been seen using a tool like this. 

Sumatran orangutan NHNZ filmed for her show Wild Asia: In the Realm of the Red Ape, the show demonstrates one of the orangutans using simple equipment, twigs, to reach food from difficult places. There is also a series of images of an animal using the leaf as an umbrella during a rain storm tropical 
Sumatran Orangutan also prefer to dwell in the tree than his cousin from Borneo; this is probably because of predators such as the Sumatran tiger. They move from tree to tree using a swinging arm. 

Life cycle 
Sumatran orangutans are more social than the orangutans of Borneo. Orangutans are gathered to eat large amounts of fruit in a banyan tree. However, adult male orangutans generally avoid contact with other adult males. Rape is common among orangutans. Sub-adult males will try to mate with any female, although maybe they fail because adult females impregnated easily refuse. Adult female orangutans prefer to mate with adult males average birth period longer than the Sumatran orangutan orangutans of Borneo and is the longest average period of great apes. Sumatran orangutans give birth when they were aged about 15 years. Baby orangutans will be close to its parent to three years. Even after that, her son would still be associated with its parent. The two species of orangutans may live several decades; approximate length can exceed 50 years old. Average first breeding P. abelii is about 12.3 years without any sign of menopause. 

Endemic Sumatran orangutan from Sumatra island and his life is limited in the north of the island. In the wild, Sumatran orangutans survive in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), the northernmost tip of Sumatra. Primates are used to spread more widely, as they found more to the South in the 1800s as in Jambi and Padang. There is a small population in North Sumatra province along the border with NAD, especially in the forests of Lake Toba. Surveys in the Lake Toba only found two areas of habitat, Bukit Lawang (defined as a wildlife preserve) and Gunung Leuser National Park. In 2002, the World Conservation Union placed the species in the IUCN Red List with critical status. 

Recent surveys estimate there are about 7300 Sumatran orangutans surviving in the wild. Some of them are protected in five districts in the Gunung Leuser National Park and others living in areas not protected: Aceh blocks northwest and northeast, the river Batang Toru West, East and Sidiangkat Sarulla. Breeding program was created in the Thirty Hill National Park in Jambi and Riau provinces, and generate a new population of Sumatran orangutans.

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